This week we are doing some practices for athletic which is Friday next week at Westland High School. What I love about athletics is that we get a day of school and all the activities to do well we are there. My favorite thing to do in athletics is high jump and long jump. I'm really good at it but sometimes I'm not. Have you ever been to an athletic competition? What's your favorite thing about athletics? All the school is going just like we did last year, We have been practicing almost every day you could say. We haven't started yet but we will get there soon.
Friday, 16 October 2020
Thursday, 24 September 2020
My Kite
This is my kite I have made it out of a sticks called toetoe and white thick string. I have enjoyed it so far but I'm not done yet, I'm half way done or even more!. I have beening enjoying this so far because This is my first time making a kite at school and I have learnt how to do a new knot. I started off to help people before I could get mine done, then after I helped everyone get there toetoe I started I didn't know how to do the knot so the next day I Went to the white table and got the teacher to help me. Then I new how to do it, This is my results so far. We did these for marataki. I'll update soon!.
Monday, 14 September 2020
Last week we went camping at Woodend Christian camp!. I loved the zoo but we will get to that later. We arrived at school around 8:18 am I was so sleepy but alive, We chucked our stuff into the car and then had a little short meeting. I said goodbye to Mrs Hickford and then left. I was in the car with Olivia, Lucy, Me, and Amelia, Amelia was the quiet one out of all of us. We have been on the road for 3 hours. Once we arrived at camp we got out had a run around to stretch and then we got our bags and put them away. I was in room 5 with Olivia, Lucy, Elizabeth, Cooper, and me. We had 6 extra bunks in our room. All the other girls were in room 1 because that was the year 6 girls' room. We did a lot of activates that day!, we did Aroejump, play on the playground, gaga ball, and explore. Then came dinner WE HAD DELICIOUS NACHOS!, I ate mine so fast. We went to be after that. The next day (I skipped a couple of days because I forgot what we did) ohhh we did a lot of activities My favorite activities were Air rifles, Archery, Climbing wall, Go-kart too. There was also another one but I didn't like it, it was Team building. The next day we went to the zoo!. My favorite animal there were the lions and the Giraffes. when we got there though we had to wait a while then we had some rules. Then we watched the animals feed we were there for a long time!. The next day we left "Goodbye Woodend camp! I'll miss you a lot!!"
Friday, 4 September 2020
This is my funny Collage. I enjoyed it because I get to choose anything I want to do. So to make a collage you need your base thing you can do anything, then you get rid of the background at a or anything else then you choose any other object and remove that background. Then anything else you want to add, And put them any were on your base. I chose this one because I didn't have anything else in mind. Have you ever done a college before? Would you like to try a collage?
Thursday, 3 September 2020
The barrier game
The barrier is a fun game. You need two people to play, My partner was Rhys he's cool. I enjoyed this because we had to tell your partner where to put the shapes. so you start with your computers not next to each other then you got to put the shapes in a random place hen guide them where to put them and after that, you look at each other's screen and if its right or wrong you can still continue. you can do any types. In the end, you can make your own and continue like that you can do this whenever you don't have to go on a site or nothing!.
Today we had a magician come to Kaniere School. He was called El Gregoe, he's really smart. He's been practicing basically all his life. He started with some amazing magic tricks!., They were parrot ones El Gregoe made parrots appear and disappear. El Grego had a really rear bird's. I liked the yellow and blue parrots, they were called Zazu and Richy McCaw. The red parrot was named Scarlett. My favorite part of the show was seeing the parrots. I wish I was like him. I would love him to come back! Have you ever seen him? do you want to meet him?.
Bazil is a duck that talked to us about bullying!. he was like "Never bully at school" At school its not cool to bully. Know one wants to hear the word "Bullying" Have you ever told someone not to bully?
Friday, 14 August 2020
Egg Experiment
This week we had a challenge. We had to make an egg bounce!. Ruma Piwakawaka tried two types of vinegars, White and Malt. we started off with two eggs and we put the eggs in the vinegar and waited 3 days for them to get ready. After 3 days had passed we tipped the vinegar out and the class felt them. They felt squishy and smelt weird we didn't get to feel the Malt one. Then Mrs Hickford said we were going outside to see how high the eggs bounced. Mrs Hickford was bouncing one on the table and guess what happened!. it falls off the table onto the ground! and pops!!. it was clear it wouldn't last After she cleaned it up we went outside with the other egg and bounced it next to a ruler you guessed it... It POPed open. now today we have 3 more eggs.
Friday, 31 July 2020
The Titanic
The story of the Titanic is true they made another fairy about the iceberg they say it was a fire in the hallways or a Sumerian that hit it but when it came up to see the legendary ship it was already in the water. Well, I think the Titanic got blown up Titanic Survivor Claims an Iceberg Didn't Destroy the Ship The story is here if you want to look for yourself. The explosion hit on 15th April 1912 and 705 survived. the Titanic was built on 31 May 1911 and was finished on the 10th April 19 and was set out on the same date it was finished made. This is the Titanic Timeline. Titanic had a sister called Britannic.
The Titanic sank 2:20 am. On April 15, 1912, the British ocean liner Titanic sinks into the North Atlantic Ocean about 400 miles south of Newfoundland, Canada. The massive ship, which carried 2,200 passengers and crew, had struck an iceberg two and a half hours before. ( if it did hit an iceberg. )

The Titanic sank 2:20 am. On April 15, 1912, the British ocean liner Titanic sinks into the North Atlantic Ocean about 400 miles south of Newfoundland, Canada. The massive ship, which carried 2,200 passengers and crew, had struck an iceberg two and a half hours before. ( if it did hit an iceberg. )

Friday, 3 July 2020
Today we did science. I thought when Mrs. Hickford poured the salt in it would like explored but it just made it runny it felt funny. We made a type of liquid it was hard and soft at the start but then when Mrs. Hickford pours the salt in it was all liquidy and soft. I don't think we have made a name for it yet tho I would like to give it a name tho. The way we made it was first we had to put "Sodium Polyacrylate." in first then we had to add as much water as we can, It will go all squish and soft, then we add salt when Mrs. Hickford added the sat I was thinking it was going to blow up!. So I had a lot of fun doing it and I hope I can do it again or more fun stuff like this. would you want to try it??.
Friday, 26 June 2020
My animation
This is my animation I created it because it was fun and I really enjoyed watching donated trump turn half into a monkey. I am proud of this because I will use animations a lot now plus there really fun. I have learned that you can use different things for animation.
Wednesday, 24 June 2020
My Bio cube

Friday, 8 May 2020
The spooky walk
Yesterday we went on a walk to the Cemetery it was cool. We first went to a house and it was so empty there was this one door in the house it smelt yucky and we wanted to go in but we were to scared to go in all of the houses we looked at smelt bad as. The next place we walked to was an mental hospital were the people go if they have problems in there head to treat them better. Then we went to look for the pool at the school but two car's were there and at one car some one was yelling. the next place we went to was this house in the photo when we found it. It was so run down it was like it had no soul, burned down, covered in bamboo we could see the inside from the outside because it was all burned down. Know who has been there for a long time and in one of the photo's there's like this baby toy one door was and we peeked inside it was around a lot of glass we saw a big hole in the top of the roof and in the room we walked into there was a creepy window I bet it would of been a beautiful home and if it was still fine I would love to live in it. Around the house there was two garages and in one there was a rubbish hole in one of the garages, in the other one it was covered in grass. I think the fire was from the balcony because in the last photo it looks really ruined.
Thursday, 7 May 2020
This weekly challenge was to make a kite for us to do this we had to find things to make the kite with because all the shops are closed. So we used a fishing rod and cut it in to two pieces we used a nail file to smooth the sharp tips . Then we used wax thread we used it to tie up the fishing rod into a diamond. then we used cellophane to cover the fishing rods. Then we got zip ties with a little of mum's help to tie them up so the whole kite stayed together.
I had the fun part of mixing all the colours together and painting my own design on it. I choose a rainbow. Then the last part was putting a tail on it. I used ribbon. I hope it fly's but its not windy enough to find out yet.

This is Nova he is the foster dog that we looked after on lock down. He is really cute, sharp little teeth and sharp little claws. He was so little that he still had puppy breath. He slept with me once, all snuggled up by my pillow.
I really wanted dad to have him because he didn't have a home yet, but dad didn't want him. I really didn't want to say goodbye to Nova, he made me so happy and I now miss him so so much. The breed he was a Wide haired pointer.
He did lots of funny stuff like the wood in the photo he couldn't jump up so we made him a step. When ever I was wearing my hoodie he use to come running up to me to bite my string I pulled away sometimes. Sometimes I wouldn't pull away because he has small teeth with good grip. I really miss him he made us laugh.
He loved to sleep on the couch and the bed's Faith would pick him up and move him like a rag doll well I can't say much I did that to. He was so cuddly and soft.
I really wanted dad to have him because he didn't have a home yet, but dad didn't want him. I really didn't want to say goodbye to Nova, he made me so happy and I now miss him so so much. The breed he was a Wide haired pointer.
He did lots of funny stuff like the wood in the photo he couldn't jump up so we made him a step. When ever I was wearing my hoodie he use to come running up to me to bite my string I pulled away sometimes. Sometimes I wouldn't pull away because he has small teeth with good grip. I really miss him he made us laugh.
He loved to sleep on the couch and the bed's Faith would pick him up and move him like a rag doll well I can't say much I did that to. He was so cuddly and soft.
Tuesday, 5 May 2020
ANZAC poppy
My challenge was to make a poppy for ANZAC day so I needed mum's help for this, We cut the bottom of a drink bottle off, Cut down the sides and mum had to use a lighter to melt the edges witch made it into a poppy instead of paint we used red nail polish, good thing mum has a lot of that because we used heaps. We put it onto the window sil to dry. once it was dry I drew a black circle in the middle. Here in this photo i'm holding my poppy and wearing mum's poppy apron. I had a lot of fun making this I love to do different thing's with mummy. Like modeling clay.
Monday, 4 May 2020
My wall
On lock down I painted my wall blue it took a we while. Two week's later we painted pineapples on it. We found a stencil online and we bought it. We cut it shaped into a pineapple and then painted on the wall with the pineapple cut out. The turn out's are amazing, the photo might not be clear but it's still cool and this week we extended our bubble to my cousin Max. yah, the one that comes to Kaniere School. We had fish'n chip's for dinner. My pineapple wall.
Monday, 27 April 2020
ANZAC day cookies
In the weeks we baked ANZAC day cookies. The ingredents were so yummy and I keeped licking the spoons. we rolled little ball and put them on the tray before putting into the oven. after they came out of the oven they were stuck together we had to split them apart. They still tasted good tho. We ate them all in one day we made three trays of cookies. would you like the recipe for yourself because here it is!.
Thursday, 23 April 2020
Adventure walk
On lockdown we go on long walk the last walk we went on was three hour's or four house the walk we went on was a bush walk the sound of nature is so relaxing the forest was so cool fallen tree's. It look like spirt's lived there and animal's. We named the walk the Tui Forest I think it already has a name but we just call it that I didn't agree on it tho.
At first we had no clue where we were going but at the end of the track we were on the road to Kaniere School we walk for there back home it was such a big walk I don't know how long but it was long fr all I know.
The path was so slippery rough and step I didn't think it would be like that. It was so slippery every time you touched a tree lot's of water would come of it there's this one tree that has fallen right down onto the path.
well we got deeper in I didn't think we new were we where going so the dog lead the way so we din't get lost we lead the way out well I didn't know where we were.
Soon we decided we would go back the next day with a picnic so we started to head back. The next day we finished the walk super long.
At first we had no clue where we were going but at the end of the track we were on the road to Kaniere School we walk for there back home it was such a big walk I don't know how long but it was long fr all I know.
The path was so slippery rough and step I didn't think it would be like that. It was so slippery every time you touched a tree lot's of water would come of it there's this one tree that has fallen right down onto the path.
well we got deeper in I didn't think we new were we where going so the dog lead the way so we din't get lost we lead the way out well I didn't know where we were.
Soon we decided we would go back the next day with a picnic so we started to head back. The next day we finished the walk super long.
Friday, 21 February 2020
Taylor Digital passport
this is my Digital passport and i enjoyed it because I got to write about me its like that time I was in Mrs Longs class and we did the all about me writing. It was so much fun.
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