Thursday, 7 May 2020


This is Nova he is the foster dog that we looked after on lock down. He is really cute, sharp little teeth and sharp little claws. He was so little that he still had puppy breath. He slept with me once, all snuggled up by my pillow.
I really wanted dad to have him because he didn't have a home yet, but dad didn't want him. I really didn't want to say goodbye to Nova, he made me so happy and I now miss him so so much. The breed he was a Wide haired pointer.

He did lots of funny stuff like the wood in the photo he couldn't jump up so we made him a step. When  ever I was wearing my hoodie he use to come running up to me to bite my string I pulled away sometimes. Sometimes I wouldn't pull away because he has small teeth with good grip. I really miss him he made us laugh.

 He loved to sleep on the couch and the bed's Faith would pick him up and move him like a rag doll well I can't say much I did that to.  He was so cuddly and soft.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         


  1. Hi Taylor
    Wow Nova certaily is very cute.
    It was great that you could foster him in lockdown - I think there were lots of animals that went to foster homes. I bet it was hard to say goodbye to him. Do you know what sort of dog he was? He looks a wee bit like a lab to me?

    1. Hi Anutie Ann he was a wired heir pointer we miss him a lot.
      thank you for commenting.

  2. Hi Taylor
    Nova is very cute. I can see why you found it hard to say goodbye. I would love to have another dog, a wee friend for Archie but my husband says no, one dog is enough.
    I do like the way Nova seems to have taken over the couch. Archie does that too! Chris and I have one couch and Archie has the other!

    Think of all the lovely memories that you have from fostering Nova, it is such a sweet name. Did yo you give him the name or is that the name he came with from the breeder? Archie's name when we first got him was 'Patch'. I think it sounded a bit old fashioned so we changed it to Archie. It took us ages to decide on his name.

    Would you like to get another dog when you are older? We have always had dogs, except for about a year when our last family dog died. That is when we got Harry. I was so sad when he passed away that I was not sure that I wanted another dog. But I am glad we did because although Archie is a lot of work we love him dearly. Just as you loved Nova.

    Mrs H

    1. Hi Mrs Hickford we did name him Nova. Yes I would like to get another dog or even a puppy but right now Ajax is the special one. Aechie's old name use to be patch? what a weird name I loves him new name now tho. Awww I miss harry to but it's just life tho.
      thank you for commenting
